CISF Head Constable- What is examined by the CISF Medical Examiners?

CISF Head Constable

The Central Industrial Security Force is yet to release the CISF Head Constable exam dates due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The CISF Head Constable is an important post which is open for both male and female candidates. 

The CISF Head Constable exam is a much awaited one as the post offers a permanent job in the government sector and includes many benefits. This is with specific reference to the CISF Head Constable Salary which is quite lucrative and includes many perks and benefits. It is therefore very important that candidates are mindful of what is expected of them at the time of the PST, i.e. Physical Standard Test, as well as the written test.  

This article will provide details regarding questions to which candidates have doubts about and what is expected by the CISF Medical Examiners.  

  • Firstly, only those candidates who have cleared the cut off marks as fixed by the Commission in the written examination will be eligible to appear for the Physical Standard Test. The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) reserves the right to allow concessions to candidates from different categories. 
  • The candidates are required to fulfil all the physical criterias as set by the Commission. This includes the chest and height measurements as pre-decided by the CISF, mentioned in the notification. 
  • Candidates must not suffer from knock knees, flat foot, varicose veins. These conditions will account to rejection of candidature. 
  • Candidates suffering from squint will also be rejected. It is mandatory that candidates possess good vision acuity in both the eyes. 
  • Candidates should possess good health, both physically as well as mentally. Any form of physical defect which may be a hindrance to the candidates duty, shall be deemed unfit and hence result in rejection of candidature. 
  • Medical Tests, such as X-rays and laboratory related tests shall be conducted only for such candidates who are found fit after initial medical examination.
  • The term “Temporary unfit” at the time of medical assessment will result in the candidature being rejected. However, in case of female candidates, there is an exception. If during medical assessment, a female candidate is found to be pregnant to the extent of twelve weeks or above, she shall be declared temporarily unfit and her appointment will be held in abeyance until the confinement is over, meaning that the candidate will be eligible to join only post delivery and 6 months of maternity. 
  • Though the decision of the Commission is final, candidates declared unfit do have an option to file an appeal/representation within 15 days of rejection by the medical board. Candidates who are found fit on appeal by the Appeal Panel (Review Medical Board) and who qualify the merit criteria fixed by the CISF for final selection, will be placed in the “Reserve List” and recruited against unfilled vacancies. Please note that this action can be accommodated subject to the availability of vacancies. The candidates in the Reserve List will be en-masse junior to the candidates in the ‘Select List’.
  • The testimonials provided by the candidates will be verified during the medical examination stage.
  • The nodal force will be responsible in providing the list of medically fit candidates to the SSC. 

Do let us know in the comment section if there are any other questions that are a constant worry to you and we will get back to you. 


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