4 Effective Ways to Help a Loved One Overcome Unhealthy Habits

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If a loved one is caught up in unhealthy habits, you’ll find yourself in a challenging position. Watching someone derail their life and head off on the wrong track can be painful, and especially more so when you care about them. Whether it’s a friend, a partner, or a family member, you might find yourself racking your brains for ways you can help them. Even though it be challenging to figure out where you need to start, there are various ways you can help your loved ones overcome unhealthy habits. 

When it comes to unhealthy habits, you can have a host of areas to tackle. These can include drug abuse, an unhealthy lifestyle, failing to prioritize goals, etc. Although the list can stretch even further, there are a few sure-fire ways to help your loved ones overcome unhealthy habits. Let’s have a look at them:

Persuade them to seek professional help

One of the biggest reasons your loved ones might fail to turn their life around is because they aren’t taking the drastic measures needed to change. Although working independently can help in some cases, you might need professional intervention if the problem escalates far enough. However, those stuck in bad habits can often be too scared to take such a radical step alone. Encouraging them to seek professional help can help them turn their life around. 

If your loved one is caught up in drug abuse, convincing them to consider rehab is integral to their recovery. Although it’s possible to deal with drug abuse and detox at home, it can be incredibly challenging, especially if your loved one does hard drugs. Heading to a reputed institute can help them detox and recover in a safe, professional environment. Working with trained professionals at the Delphi Health Group can reduce their chances of relapse and help them break their unhealthy drug habit easily. 

Provide a non-judgmental space

Apart from encouraging your loved ones to seek professional help, one of the best ways to help them is by giving them a non-judgmental space. People stuck in bad habits can experience a great deal of shame and guilt regarding their lifestyle. Shaming them further can make them withdraw. If you inadvertently make them feel worse, they may not share their plans for improvement with you, which can make it challenging to track their progress. 

It’s also crucial to understand that recovering from an unhealthy habit is never a linear process. There will be days where they slip up and make mistakes. However, it’s important to recognize that you need to keep motivating them and help them realize that a one-time mistake doesn’t undo their progress. This constant, unconditional support can make it easy for your loved ones to rely on you and seek your guidance. It can also keep them from being too guilty and falling back into their old patterns. 

Join them on their journey 

Suppose you’re looking for a practical way to help your loved ones overcome unhealthy habits apart from offering support. In that case, you can join them on their journey to recovery. Breaking an unhealthy habit can be incredibly challenging. Without someone to show support along the way, it can be hard to stay committed. If you’re looking to keep your loved ones determined and motivated through their journey, the best thing to do is to join them. 

Whether it’s volunteering at a shelter, heading to AA meetings, going to therapy, or leading a healthier, cleaner lifestyle, there are numerous ways you can join them. You can drive them to their sessions, volunteer with them, join them as they work out, and encourage them to adhere to their goals. The cherry on top for this kind of approach is that alongside motivating your loved one to lead a healthier life, you can create a better lifestyle for yourself too. 


There are no tried and tested ways for breaking an unhealthy habit, even when it’s at its most benign. What works for one person may not work for the rest, and it can be unreasonable to expect progress when the method doesn’t apply to your loved one. Instead of trying to use a one-size-fits-all solution to their problems, sit down to brainstorm for better solutions with your loved ones. 

A collaborative approach can have various benefits when it comes to breaking an unhealthy habit. For starters, it can help your loved one take greater responsibility for their progress as they played an active role in devising a solution. Additionally, it can help you develop a solution that is likely to have the greatest efficacy. But remember that you’ll need to keep altering your approach as the situation changes when tackling any unhealthy habit. If you keep brainstorming with your loved one on board, you can help them break the habit for good. 


With your support and help, your loved ones can make it out of any unfavorable situation they find themselves in. Although willpower and perseverance are important when breaking an unhealthy habit, having someone to cheer you on and support you can make the biggest difference. By following these tips, you can be the harbinger of change in your loved ones’ lives and can assist them in getting their life back on track. 


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