Do’s and Don’ts of Cellulite Treatment


The weather is perfect outside, and your friends call you for a beach day. However, you turn down the offer cause dreaded orange peel skin does not give much confidence to carry out a bikini look.

Over 90% of women suffer from Cellulite – a normal yet confidence-reducing condition.

It is an uphill battle you constantly fight, considering Sydney is a city bustling with beaches offering year-round fun. Even though not all year, during the summer months – December to February, it is essential to enjoy the beach lifestyle.

With Cellulite treatment Sydney, get the courage to wear the skimpiest dresses!

What Should You Keep In Mind While Treating Cellulite?

No doubt there are a lot of treatments available in recent times that address all the five major factors causing Cellulite.

·   Collapsing collagen and elastin fibres

·   Build-up fat

·   Poor flow of blood

·   Retention of metabolic waste

·   Fibrous bands pulling down the skin

However, you should also be aware of everything you can and can’t do regarding your Cellulite.

1. Do: Dry Brush your Skin

You can use those dry wooden brushes with soft bristles on your body twice daily. Some prominent dermatologists say that daily brushing and massaging can reduce cellulite formation. It kickstarts lymphatic drainage that removes toxins from the fat layer, reducing Cellulite.

2. Do: Eat a Healthy Diet

No one can deny the benefit of eating healthy and green for your body and the skin. There is specific food that causes cellulite formation, so they need to be replaced with healthy options for your skin’s good health. Like keep an eye on your sodium intake and include lots of fibre and whole-grain foods along with fruits and veggies.

3. Do: Drink Plenty of Water

Water has always been considered excellent for your skin. It seems like a basic solution, but most people forget to drink ample water during the day. If you want to minimize cellulite appearance, go for lots of H2O. If you are not adequately hydrated, your skin becomes thin and weak, making your Cellulite look more prominent.

4. Don’t: Forget to Cut Off Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks are usually high in sugar and lead to skin dehydration, which further causes Cellulite. So, don’t consume too much of these drinks, especially in place of water. It is not right for your skin at all.

5. Don’t: Go for Liposuction

You may believe that removing the troublesome fat would fix the cellulite problem, but that’s not the case. Liposuction is for body contouring and sculpting. It is a beneficial treatment but not meant to eliminate cellulite appearance.

6. Don’t: Hesitate for Professional Treatment

There are a variety of medical spas, dermatologists, and clinics available for cellulite treatment Sydney. All you have to do is reach out to them and seek a solution for your problem. Here, you will be told about the options per your skin type and other needs.

The Bottom Line

Remember, Cellulite is a very normal and harmless skin condition that plagues many people. However, everyone has a desire for smooth-looking and healthy-glowing skin. So, if you are looking for ways to treat Cellulite, you need to remember the above Dos and Don’ts.

Eating healthy, drinking ample H2O, and massaging are some things you can include in your daily routine. In addition, exercising helps in reducing lumpy, dimpled flesh from your body.  

You can also go for medical treatments for Cellulite if you are looking for faster results.


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