Innovative Tech Solutions for Self Storage Facility Management

Tech Solutions

The increasing technological innovations are transforming the world. The labor-intensive businesses have automated workflows to improve efficiency. Likewise, people are shopping online instead of traveling to stores and malls. From company, manufacturing, education, to healthcare – every industry is taking advantage of technology to thrive and succeed. However, despite spiking demand, some industries are lagging. Currently, the storage industry is not at all technologically adept. 

The self-storage business is relatively straightforward, but you need more than locks and electricity to succeed. Surprisingly, this what industry experts are trying to highlight. A successful self storage facility needs effective management and tech-savvy tools to manage all tasks efficiently. In addition to saving time and money, technological innovations can help you implement better security measures and gain customer’s trust. 

With these savvy innovations, you might be able to accommodate more people and expand operations. After all, smart management platforms cut back on business expenses, helping you save a lot of money. So, what is stopping you from integrating technology? Here we are listing six innovative tech solutions for self-storage facility management. 

  1. Wireless Keypads 

In self-storage business, security is every owner’s utmost priority. You might have manual locks outside all storage units, but it doesn’t eliminate the risk of theft. Robbers have been breaking through conventional locks for ages now which means, you have to install better security measures. In addition to adding locks, technology can let you control gates with the help of radiofrequency. Thus, consider installing a gate access control keypad to regulate all magnetic locks and electric gate openers. 

These wireless keypads have a cloud-based gate system, making installation and maintenance effortless. Moreover, it offers real-time data visualization and reporting from the internet of everything (IoE) control center. You can also set up email and text alerts to catch sight of consumer insights such as standard rental periods, capacity, etc. Besides this, you can create predictive measures for maintenance to ensure the systems operate at their full capacity. Lastly, you will get to control the access from any browser, tablet, or mobile device. 

  1. Remote Monitoring 

These days, people have varying storage needs. Some want to store business documents, while others need a place for their artwork. Since humidity is a big concern, almost every storage facility provides temperature-controlled units with HVAC systems. However, HVAC can be tricky at times, mainly because of its features and controls. Here, remote monitoring can come in handy. It will provide real-time data on the system’s performance, helping you cut back on electricity bills. 

Remote monitoring will also let you detect issues beforehand and inform the service providers. At the same time, it would save you from the hassle of scheduling maintenance schedules. The remote servers will automatically send reminders to contractors regarding maintenance. Honestly, these automation technologies are improving storage facilities’ bottom line with minimal upfront costs and grunt work for the owners. 

  1. Biometrics 

With increasing crime rates throughout the world, storage facilities have to be extra cautious. You can use biometric technology to secure access to storage units, closing doors for theft and breaches. It uses customer’s unique characteristics such as their voice, fingerprints, or retina to secure the unit. Hence, people would use their fingerprints or voice to access their belongings in the storage units instead of access cards or keys. 

Likewise, you can also use this feature for your company’s internal operations. It will help secure customers’ confidential data like their contact information, address, credit card numbers, etc. And rather than adding every employee’s fingerprints on the system, you can limit access to avoid breaches. Besides this, some systems also use facial recognition technology to maximize security protocols. 

  1. Self-Storage Kiosks

In today’s digital age, keeping up with technology is no longer a choice; it has become necessary. Therefore, start integrating it before competitors overtake your market share. Nowadays, self-storage kiosks are making waves in the industry. You can embed these into the wall or install a free-standing kiosk. People can use it to choose a unit, sign a lease, select insurance options, and rent a unit without manual assistance. 

Unlike storage facilities, the kiosks are open 24 hours. Thus, customers can take out and store belonging during odd hours. Furthermore, they can also take a virtual tour of the storage facility and rent a unit right on the spot. Do you know the best part? Kiosks have touch screens, which means people can easily navigate menus and sign lease documents on the screens. Similarly, the existing customers can also auto-pay their rent. 

  1. Mobile Applications 

These days, every retail business and service provider has a mobile application. How about you create one for your self-storage business? You can offer mobile apps to allow users to control access to their users. It means your customers will no longer have to bring access cards or keys to open their units. They would have to make a few clicks on their mobile apps to access the storage units. Sounds interesting, no? 

Besides remote access, you can also use mobile apps to let customers make payments, update access quotes, or renew the contract. It will free up your workers from all the paperwork since mobile apps will generate contract documents automatically. Above all, having a mobile app can also bridge the communication gaps. Customers can click on the ‘help or live chat’ button to chat with a customer representative. As a result, you can answer their queries on the spot while educating them about your services.

  1. Robotic Services 

We all thought of robots taking over the employment sector, and now, you can see this happening for real. The French engineering companies have come with a robot that interacts with customers. It takes them through the rental procedure and gives them a tour of the storage facility. Surprisingly, the robot is quite tech-savvy and knows how to connect digital customers with a live customer representative. 

Moreover, storage facilities can also leverage automated guided vehicles (AGVs) to help customers transport their belongings. Unlike manually driven forklifts, AGVs autonomously navigate the warehouse facilities by following routes marked by magnetic strips and sensors. They also utilize cameras to identify obstacles on their way. In addition to improving productivity, robotic services can reduce the need for staff and on-field workers. 

To Conclude:

Undoubtedly, storage businesses are quite lucrative, and keeping up with tech trends can help you yield more incredible results. The automated services can free up employees from repetitive tasks, letting owners save up on business costs. Similarly, it promotes operational efficiency as customers have control over everything. After all, renting a unit and making payments is only a click away with the help of mobile applications and kiosks. 


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