Foods to Help Fight Your Acid Reflux


A very repetitive statement that we often get to hear from our elders is    “what you eat has a strong impact on your digestive system.” I know this gets a little too annoying sometimes. But, as much as you tend to brush it off, it does speak volumes.

With that being said, I heard that your stomach has not been a good sport for quite some time? You have this ongoing complaint of a burning chest, a gassy bloated stomach and tangy saliva in your mouth. Well, DON’T PANIC! It is called acid reflux. 

According to the best gastroenterologist of Jinnah Hospital of Lahore, the worst foods will only worsen the painful symptoms of acid reflux. It is often said that a diet is balanced when it has a complete mix of vegetables, proteins and fruits. 

But a lot of us get worried because we have no clue what to eat and what not to. Although the good news is that there are plenty of foods that help you get rid of acid reflux. 

 What are those foods, you may ask?

Well, stock your kitchen with these three categories of foods and you will thank me later. 

High-fiber foods

The most amazing thing known about fibrous food is that they make you full real quick and there is left no need to eat furthermore.  such a way that you stop overeating that is said to be a major cause of acid reflux. It is a serious suggestion to load up on high fiber food.

These mostly include:

  • Roots vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots and beets.
  • Green vegetables such as Asparagus, broccoli and green beans. 
  • Whole grains, like oatmeal, whole grain and brown rice. 

Watery Foods

Foods that contain water can help you dilute your stomach acid. So make sure you’re eating enough watery foods. 

Choose foods such as: 

  • Watermelon 
  • Cucumber
  • Celery
  • Herbal Tea
  • Broth-based soups

Alkaline Foods

Foods always fall under a pH level (an indicator of acid levels). Those that have low pH levels (acidic foods) are more likely to cause reflux. Try taking high pH foods as they are known to be alkaline  to help offset your acidic stomach. 

Go for foods like:

  • Melons
  • Cauliflower 
  • Bananas
  • Nuts
  • Avocado

Lean Meats and Seafood

These have low calories and are low-fat foods. These reduce the chances of disturbing the stomach lining. 

These include:

  • Chicken
  • Fish
  • Seafood
  • Turkey

Try to consume them when they are grilled or boiled. Otherwise eating all of it when fried will ruin your gastric health even more.  

Natural Remedies

Here are some of the natural remedies that you should be trying out. 

Ginger Tea

Incorporate ginger in your diet on a daily basis. Add it to hot water and make ginger tea. You can also add it in stir-fry food, grate it on top of cooked meals, you can also add this in your soups. 

Herbal Teas

These play a major role as they help in balancing out the pH of the stomach,  in digestion of food and also ease the symptoms of heartburn. 

Popular herbal teas include:

  • Camomile Tea 
  • Fennel tea
  • Fruit teas

It is best to avoid mint tea, as it adds to the production of more acid in the stomach. 

Lifestyle Tips

  • Chew a gum that is not flavored. It is best if you go for a peppermint gum
  • Make exercise or any physical activity a part of your daily regime. 
  • Maintain a healthy weight, as it plays a vital role in the functioning of body organs. 
  • Take antacids prescribed by your doctor and don’t overdose as it leads to more acid production. 
  • Sit upright for at least 2 hours after eating. This will help your food pass the oesophagus smoothly to the stomach.  
  • Don’t overeat and eat slowly. 
  • Avoid tight clothing or fitted clothes.
  • Limit your alcohol intake 
  •  Raise the head of your bed if possible to reduce reflux symptoms while sleeping or lying down. 

Final Thoughts

In the end, I would suggest changing your food for upto 1 week doesn’t make a difference. Please go and consult your doctor. A gastroenterologist (a doctor who specializes in the digestive system) can take your tests and help find the pH of your stomach. These tests can detect the damage done to your oesophagus due to continuous acid reflux. 


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